After the Moon Sets 3 (Werewolf Paranormal Romance) Read online

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  Then I noticed something. I looked around the battlefield, noticing the silence. No one was moving, not even the starving Vampires. I stepped from over the ravenous Vampire, and she pulled herself up to her knees, never meeting my eyes.

  “Majesty.” She spoke through shortness of breath. Soon after, every other vampire fell to their knees, acknowledging me at their leader—their queen. This type of power was not mentioned in books, nor has Lumar or the others spoken of it. This power was unknown to all, except for Lumar.

  Now I understood things. Lumar unleashed these creatures purposely so that I could see my potential power. Lumar had no intention of calling them back, nor did he care for these newborn Vampires.

  Lumar wanted me to call them off.

  So how much power did I have? I would have to put this to the test. I took a steps back until I was facing the crowd of Vampires who had paused in the midst of battle, waiting for my command.

  “Rise.” I commanded in a low voice, but it was a command that was heard for miles. Every Vampire stood immediately, remaining in place. Julian walked over to me, his voice bewildered:

  “You are the one true Queen as it was written. You are the only one aside from Lumar, who can command such armies.” Julian announced. I ignored him. I could see the greed and lust for power all over his face. To have this much control meant the ultimate power. Julian gently placed his hands over my shoulders; his voice suddenly soft and comforting.

  “Hanah, do you have any idea what you can do with this kind of power?” Julian asked me. I shrugged, pushing his hands off my shoulders.

  “It doesn’t matter.” I told him. I looked to the crowd of waiting Vampires.

  “I command you—all of you to self-terminate.” I yelled. The Vampires extended their claws without question and put it to their chests. They were going to rip their hearts out.

  “Wait!” Julian shouted. He pulled my eyes away from them and the creatures paused, questioning my judgment.

  “Hanah, what are you doing?” He asked me.

  “These Vampires are dangerous. I’m doing nearly what I was brought up to do. I’m protecting the human race.” I reminded him. Julian grabbed me roughly by my arm before I could finish, pulling me aside.

  “It doesn’t matter Julian, enough is enough.

  “You aren’t thinking clearly Hanah. I think that maybe you are getting beside yourself here. Therese Vampires could prove extremely useful. We could actually use them against Lumar.” I shook my head.

  His judgment was clouded. How could he possibly expect me to use these helpless creatures? They did not ask to be born, nor commanded to be killers. I had enough of this; it was time to put this army to rest once and for all.

  However, if this was a test, Lumar would soon discover that I had passed, and now it was time to collect me. Very well then, I needed to get to Lumar as quickly as possible, for now; I had the necessary tools to destroy him. I still had the butter knife in my hands and now; I knew exactly how to stop him.

  “Julian, I’m going to ignore the fact that you want to keep vampires alive, the one species you have spent your entire life trying to eliminate with no luck. Don’t you see what is happening? You see power and now it is the only thing you want to possess. However, this is not your power to control; it never was. It’s time for me to end this.”

  Chapter 5

  As much as I did not want to do this, I also knew that it was the right thing to do. Their claws digging slowly into their chests, I gave the command again.

  “Self-terminate.” I said again. Julian screamed for the creatures to stop, but they did not hesitate. They tore their hearts from their chests, falling quickly to their death. Only a few Vampires were left standing, and we knew those were Lumar’s henchmen. They took one look and me and fled quickly into the darkness. The hunters immediately drew their weapons and went after them.

  I looked down at the ground, frowning upon the massive grave site at my feet. All these Vampires wasted all for the sole purpose of war. How long before Lumar rose another army? My educated guess was that it would not be long. Something had to be done.

  However, not only did I have to deal with Lumar; I now had to deal with Julian, who looked at the army in devastation. As he looked up at me, I no longer saw that man that carried me as a child, trained me to be a killer, and loved me as if I were his own daughter. I saw a man in rage, a man that felt he had nothing more to lose. Julian did not approach me, nor did he command other hunters to kill me.

  I could see it in his eyes—Julian had a far more sinister plan. He was going to hurt me in the worst way possible. Julian picked up his phone and pressed the send button.

  “Kill him.” He commanded.

  “No!” I yelled, but I knew that it was possibly too late.


  “There’s been a security breech! Aiden has escaped!” The guard on the other line yelled.

  “Don’t let him leave the facility alive. He’s injured so he won’t get far.” Julian responded. He ended the call immediately.

  “Let’s see how fast you can get Downtown.” Julian mocked.

  I didn’t have a chance nor did I have a choice. However, I had to try. As I took off running, no one stopped to help me, nor did they assist me with transportation. I knew that I would have to find my way on my own.

  Aiden was now on human territory and who knew their land any better than us. Aiden would be dead in less than an hour, unless I got to him immediately.

  Now that I was out of view of Julian, I did the only thing I could do—I hijacked a car. Standing in the middle of the cold streets, traffic passed me until one unknowing driver stopped to help me. I felt bad about doing this, but I pulled the innocent man out of the car, tossing him onto the sidewalk and took off with his car.

  During my race to save Aiden, I knew that I was losing what little humanity I had left. However, I lost my humanity a very long time ago when I was a child, innocently befriending a Vampire, who in turn had fallen in love with me.

  As I drove quickly into the Downtown area, my mind swarmed with many thoughts. What I did not understand nor could I remember, was what was it that bonded me with this Vampire? What happened when I was a child?

  My memory was wiped clean in an attempt to preserve my relationship, but it had backfired. There was something missing, a piece to this puzzle I had yet to solve. I only knew that I was the key to ending all of this. Nearly causing a pile up in the Downtown area, I pulled to an abrupt stop and climbed out of the car. I knew I could never pull directly into the area; guards would be waiting for me, and I would be shot dead as I pulled into the parking structure.

  The city was still in chaos as I ran into the alley way of the building. Climbing up the ladder, I knew of an entrance that no one would detect until it was too late. One of my best attributes that I kept privately to myself was my ability to learn floor plans. I knew the Agency inside and out, studying for an impending terrorist attack. Little did I know I would be using my knowledge to defend myself.

  Climbing inside through the ventilation, I crawled into one of the abandoned file rooms of the office building. I was unarmed and had no idea where to begin looking for Aiden in this massive building, but my first idea was to quietly follow the guards. They would eventually lead me to Aiden’s location.

  There were cameras everywhere, and I would very easily be spotted. I didn’t have much time to find him. These guards were going to do anything to carry out Julian’s orders—the man who kills Aiden would surely be up for a promotion.

  I wasn’t going to let this happen; I wasn’t going to allow Aiden to die due to greed and power. The moment I left the abandoned office I was immediately spotted. The lights dimmed, and the alarms began to flare. Those alarms were for me, only me.

  Now a target in the place I once called home, I had to fight for my new home, my life with the only thing that mattered to me: Aiden. Taking the stairs now that the elevators were on lock down, I fought furiously with
ever guard I crossed paths with on my way down. After striking the third guard, his two-way pager gave off some very valuable information. Aiden was by the entrance, and he was surrounded.

  Chapter 6

  I would die before I allowed anything to happen to Aiden. He was my responsibility now. I put him in this position no matter how you looked at it. As I crept into the lobby, I saw Aiden within an inch of his life, still standing like the Alpha Wolf he was before the guards. No matter how this turned out, Aiden was going to die with the honor of a true warrior.

  Too bad the guards didn’t see me coming.

  I don’t know what came over me, but I’m certainly glad that it happened. I disabled every guard who stood in the lobby, just before each of them could discharge their weapon against Aiden. Relieved, Aiden threw himself weakly in my arms.

  “I knew you would come.” He said weakly.

  “Your wound isn’t healing quickly enough.” I stated, but Aiden looked up at me.

  “It will; I just didn’t have a reason to live at the time.” He said, jump starting my memory.

  A Werewolf’s healing power rested in the mind. If the Wolf felt it had no reason to live, then it would surely die.

  “Was there any doubt?” I asked him, but I knew this wasn’t the time to dabble in such nonsense. Aiden didn’t answer, but he was beginning to heal faster now, the flesh and skin repairing itself rapidly. Now that Aiden could stand upright, we made our exit out the front door.

  Too bad it didn’t last.

  I knew this moment would come. I was actually expecting it to happen a tad bit later, but now that the moment stood in front of me, I knew that I had no choice than to face it.

  Lumar stood waiting patiently at the stairs.

  “We should make this quick. Julian and his hunters will arrive shortly.” Lumar announced. I released my hand from Aiden’s and took a step forward. Aiden followed after me.

  “Aiden, it would be wise to step aside. I know your love for her is strong, but it is not a love that belongs to you. Hanah belongs to me.” He reminded. I paused, torn and standing between the two of them.

  “I can always eliminate the competition Hanah.” He reminded me. I held up my hand.

  “No, please just give me a moment.” I begged him. Lumar nodded and took a step back. Aiden hurried to my side.

  “Hanah, what are you doing?” He asked me. He didn’t understand the sacrifice that I was making, and I knew that he never would.

  “Don’t you understand Aiden? This is never going to stop, never going away until Lumar gets what he wants. I am the reason he’s awakened; I am the reason for all of this. I have to deal with this Aiden.”

  “But you don’t even know what happened. Your memory of the account has been wiped clean so that he would never have to deal with the pain and anguish, he has caused you. Don’t leave with him Hanah. Stay with me, stay with the one you love.” Aiden pleaded.

  I was weak—weak enough to consider Aiden’s proposal. I wanted to be with him, there was no other man in this world that I dreamed of being with, spending my life with. However, I had to consider the latter here. If I turned my back, Lumar would kill Aiden and there would be nothing I could do to stop it. I smiled and planted a gentle kiss upon Aiden’s lips.

  “I love you; I truly do. I make this one promise to you. You will see me again. We will be together.” I promised. However, my declaration was more than enough to annoy Lumar. He clapped his hands.

  “How very lovely for the both of you. It’s time for us to leave Hanah.” Lumar reminded me. He held out his hand for me and as much as I wanted to deny him, I knew the consequence of my rejection. I could not live without Aiden, just knowing that was alive, well, and healthy.

  I closed my eyes and did the only thing I could do. I took Lumar’s hand. Aiden’s heart looked as if it had broken into a million pieces. Lumar pulled me into his arms, and I knew my fate had been immediately sealed. I did not know if this was going to work, but it pained me to see Aiden in this condition.

  He let out a defeating howl for me, one that could be heard all around the city. I reached for him, but Lumar gently pushed my hand down.

  “Let him go.” Lumar whispered into my ear. Before Lumar could pull me away, Julian arrived with the hunters, their weapons aimed immediately at Aiden.

  “No!” I shouted. Lumar looked to me and smiled.

  “Put down your weapons.” Lumar demanded. Julian did not listen.

  “You may have gotten what you’ve come for, but it ends with Hanah. You have no further control over anything in this area.” Julian reminded. Lumar shook his head.

  “Let us not forget who is really responsible here.” Lumar reminded, looking at me.

  “If Hanah is unhappy, then so am I. She wants Aiden alive and well, then so shall be it.” Lumar announced.

  “You cannot control him. He is out of your range. This is not a Vampire we are talking about—this is a Wolf. He is in violation of our law, and I will not stand for it.” Julian roared. He put his hand on the trigger, preparing to shoot.

  “If you kill him, I promise that I will return here and flat line this entire city. I’m almost certain that Hanah will not disapprove. As you know, she is the only one who can command my army, and me.”

  It was a grave warning; a warning fit enough for Julian to take heed. He dropped his weapon, and the hunters followed suit.

  “You are on your own now.” Julian muttered. “Get out of sight. If the hunters find you, it will be out of my hands.” He warned Aiden.

  I did not get a chance to say good-bye. We were gone before I could blink, and I was back where I started, in a dark room with Lumar standing over me.

  Chapter 7

  So, here we were again, standing before each other. This time it was for the long haul. I knew that satisfying Lumar was going to require more than my obedience. He would have to turn me in order to make me his bride. The way Lumar took my hands and placed them against his chest, I knew that moment was meant for sooner rather than later.

  I drew in a deep breath. I knew what was coming, even though my mind did not want to accept it. This was a moment of truth; it was finally going to happen. Lumar pulled me into a passionate kiss, and I did nothing to stop him. Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

  The moment was soon approaching, and I wanted Lumar as vulnerable as possible. Lumar gripped me tightly, and something hit me. Those questions quickly began swarming in my head again. I pulled away from him and took a step back, placing a finger to his lips. I needed to know things before I let it happen. I wanted to know what exactly I did to make him fall in love with me. I would never truly be able to move on until I knew the truth. Lumar walked over to me and rested his hand gently on my shoulder.

  “Something is troubling you. Please tell me what I can do for you.” Lumar urged, his voice was almost pleading.

  I needed to know what happened. I needed to remember the relationship that I once felt between us. Something was desperately missing, and I needed to put the pieces together. Lumar turned me to face him.

  “I need to know the past—the past that you wiped from my memory.” I told him. Lumar groaned and turned away from me.

  “Do not ask that of me.” He warned. “Those memories are best left in the past.”

  “Please Lumar. If you take me in this state, you will never know if there was anything real between us. You will spend an eternity wondering what if, when you could simply know the truth. It’s standing right here in front of you. If I’m destined to be with you forever, then it should not matter. I’m here, and no one can take that away from you or me. So let’s do this the right way.” I pleaded. Lumar’s face was pained. He seemed torn between what was right and what he wanted. Lumar grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and pulled me close.

  “What if you hate me after seeing the truth? What if the damage is irreparable?" I could not answer, and I knew I would never be able to forgive him no matter how honest he was
with me. My hatred for him had been officially set in stone the moment we met. There was nothing he could say or do that would change my feelings for him, no matter how much he tried.

  Still, I needed to give Lumar what he needed to give me the truth. Lumar needed an ounce of hope, something that would make him believe there was an ounce of hope between us. Nervously, I put his face in my hands and pulled him close.

  “I’ve lost everything because of you. You could grant me this one wish before our wedding day, and I promise you that I will be grateful for it.” It was enough for him to buy it. Lumar bit roughly into his wrist and held it out to me.

  “Your memories rest here.” He said, holding out the bleeding wound. “You should hurry before the wound closes. I will not give you this opportunity again.”

  Believing him, I bit into his wrist without question. What happened after, even I cannot fully explain it. When I opened my eyes, it was as if I were traveling through the past. I looked around until I found myself crying in the cemetery, mourning over my loss. It was my first experience with death, and it was a moment that even Lumar could not take from me.

  Somehow, I found myself drifting away from the grave yard into a forest. This is where my memory disappeared. My tears, my weeping in this dark forest were no longer for the loss of a beloved family member, but now because I could not find my way home. Lumar suddenly walked out of the shadows, and our friendship began.

  Lumar preyed on my innocence the very moment our eyes met, but I understood him more than I’ve ever had. Lumar was alone and lonely. He wanted companionship, a friendship forged from innocence, and I offered it to him. Lumar warned me, but being the naive child whom I was; I demanded his friendship, and I would not accept anything less.